Build trust in a service which will be there when your staff need it the most…

We have worked through and overcome many of the barriers which exist when implementing TRiM. We have been witness to a number of organisations paying lip service to the implementation of support systems which ultimately fail. We know that the first year is crucial to ensure the longevity of TRiM. Your staff need to trust and believe in a service which will be there for them when they need it, if this isn’t achieved individuals will not engage. The only way to achieve this is to have robust systems behind the peers to allow them to provide the assessments and onward referrals; we can make this happen for your organisation. We have the experience, passion and drive and will inspire your organisation to mirror this enthusiasm to support your employees.

  • Focus

    As a small company we are able to concentrate all our efforts on ensuring we create the right implementation plan for your organisation.

  • Implementation

    We ensure the highest level of support throughout the implementation phase, training sessions & the first year as TRiM embeds itself into your organisation.

  • Experience

    We have a wealth of experience in both training TRiM Practitioner and overcoming implementation issues.

  • Ethos

    We believe in evidence based practice. We will ensure all tiers of your organisation not only understand the rationale for TRiM but firmly believe in its ethos.

  • Support

    We take pride in our ongoing support. This commitment will ensure TRiM is a long term success, we don’t believe in ticking boxes for the sake of it.

  • Breakthrough

    We know and understand there will be operational barriers to implementation. Be it funding, stigma or confidentiality, we will overcome these and ensure you are able to put your employees first to provide the support they deserve.